Saturday, May 27th is a fun day for kids but I think the parents have just as much fun and the kids. Bring your fishing pole if you have one or use one of ours. The fun starts at 9:00 am and goes to 1:00 pm.
An average of 700 youth and 600 adults attend the yearly Take Kids Fishing Day event at Jeffers’ Bend. Over 60 businesses, groups and organizations provide support for this event. A registration fee of $2.00 in advance and $3.00 the day of the event. Registration forms can be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce, Parks & Recreation, drive-up window at HES & HWEA. The kids are provided a lunch, free T-shirts, and prizes for smallest fish, largest fish and most fish in each age group. Take Kids Fishing Day is held the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.