The second installment of the Jazz On Stage Series features the talented Sachal Vasandani, joined by pianist/arranger Christian Tamburr, Jonathan Estes on bass and Stix Finnie on drums. They will be performing some of Cole Porter’s most beloved songs. You’ll enjoy timeless classics like “Night and Day,” “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” and hits from Cole Porter’s Tony award-winning compositions such as Kiss Me Kate, Anything Goes, and Can-Can. Sachal Vasandani, with his deeply creative approach to improvisation across lyrics, melodic changes and time signatures is always soulful. He has come to be regarded as one of the eminent vocal improvisers of his generation. With two shows on Thursday, November 21st at 6pm and 8pm, the Alhambra stage will be on fire! Get your tickets and come get warm with us!